Saturday 16 April 2016

A Real Bad Day

One morning I woke up with headache
When I turned around I had a stiff neck
Managed to brush my teeth with the steady head
I realised it's gonna be a bad day ahead

I went for a walk to forget the pain
A jogging girl smiled n crossed me then
I missed a heartbeat and waived back to her
While doing so I didn't see the loose paver
I fell down and broke my right leg
I realised it's gonna be a bad day ahead

I was limping still I caught the bus to office
The driver knew the road but was driving like a novice
On the way he hit a car and started fight right on the road
The time was ticking and I was getting late
I realised it's gonna be a bad day ahead

I reached the office managing on my own
Just when I reached the desk rang the boss's phone
He yelled at me and called in his cabin
I ran there fast and crashed the paper tray
I realised it's gonna be a bad day ahead

The boss shouted and expressed his ire
With fury he said "Get out you're fired"
With the great grief I left that place
I went to the restaurant to find some solace
The drink was horrible and the food was also stale
I realised it's gonna be a bad day ahead

I left the food and went to a garden
Thought of taking a nap to reduce the mental burden
As I slept under a big tree
A bird from the top did the job and made my face dirty
This was like going through the hell
I realised it's gonna be a bad day ahead

At the end I went home to have peace of mind
I had a terrible day and went through lot of grind
It was complete blank so I went to bed
With the hope that there won't be a nightmare ahead

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